In addition to the many advantages of planting material from tissue culture, there is also a disadvantage of tissue culture propagation, namely the presence of somaclonal variation. Somaclonal variation is the variation that appears during in-vitro culture, both genetic and epigenetic. Somaclonal variation is a genetic change that is not caused by gene segregation or recombination, as is usually the case due to crossing processes. Improving plant properties in vitro can be done by inducing somaclonal diversity. Induction of somaclonal diversity from tissue culture provides new opportunities for improving plant traits that are useful in supporting plant breeding programs. Somaclonal diversity is obtained through an undifferentiated growth phase. A number of mutants have been reported to be obtained from callus and free cell phases. Somaclonal diversity induction technique is simpler when compared to DNA recombination techniques and produces large amounts of genetic diversity.

Somaclonal variations can be grouped into heritable variations, which are genetically controlled, and non-heritable variations, which are epigenetically controlled. Genetically controlled somaclonal diversity is usually stable and can be passed on sexually to the next generation. On the other hand, epigenetic diversity will usually be lost if it is passed on sexually. Genetically stable somaclonal variations can be formed due to point mutations, changes in chromosome number and structure, DNA recombination, DNA sequence methylation, deletions and transpositions in the nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. These genetic changes can lead to stable changes, which are passed on sexually in the next generation. Mutations caused by this somaclonal variation can be used to create diversity which can then be selected to obtain the desired cultivar.



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