Source : https://www.tribunnews.com/pendidikan/2023/01/19/contoh-produk-bioteknologi-pangan-dan-mikroorganisme-yang-berperan


Biotechnology began when humans realized the importance of organisms (animals/plants or microbes) in improving their quality of life. The history of biotechnology begins with the process of making cheese and fermenting birds carried out by the Sumerians and Egyptians in 2000 BC. In 500 BC, in China found a fungus producing antibiotics in soybeans to treat infections. In a general sense, biotechnology has been developing since 3000 BC. Biotechnology has been known since Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek was able to observe the shape of yeast cells around 1680. In 1818, Erxleben discovered the process of fermentation by yeast cells, which was followed by the discovery of lactic acid fermentation by Pasteur in 1857. In 1897, understanding of the process of fermentation by microbial cells then continued when Buchner, revealed the enzymes that play a role in fermentation.

The term biotechnology was first introduced by a Hungarian agricultural scholar, Karl Ereky in 1919. At that time, this term was used to produce a product from raw materials with the help of living organisms. Ereky predicts that the food and energy crisis will be resolved through biotechnology. Biotechnology comes from the word: Bios: life; Teuchos; tool; Logos: science; which can be interpreted as a science that studies the utilization of living things (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) or products from living things (bioactive proteins, enzymes, vitamins, organic alkaline asthma, alcohol, etc.) in the production process for produce goods and services in improving the welfare of mankind. In addition, biotechnology is also a harmonious blend of biology and technology. In terminology, we can interpret biotechnology as the use of biological systems, living things and their products to change or improve human health and the environment.

The development of biotechnology can be classified into 3 periods, namely:

 1.    Traditional biotechnology (6000 BC): characterized using microorganisms (fermentation) to prepare or preserve food and drinks. This period, which occurred before AD 1800, began with the production of beer from Babylonian yeast. Besides beer, there are also foods and drinks that are processed through fermentation.

 2.   The era of scientific biotechnology (1800 BC - mid 19th century): marked by people starting to realize that fermentation does not happen by chance. Then, they conduct research using scientific principles. The result was the discovery of an enzyme extracted from yeast that could convert sugar into alcohol.

 3.  The era of modern biotechnology (after World War II - now): marked by the passage of time, human needs are also increasing. In the era of modern biotechnology, restriction endonuclease enzymes have been discovered. These enzymes allow us to cut and paste DNA into living organisms


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